basicThe Basic Package contains the necessary materials required to follow The Bar Wiz regime. Students will be expected to attend two live lectures a week throughout the duration of the program. An initial consultation meeting with each student is required. In addition, the package includes:

1. 33 Complete Outlines, covering all 13 Subjects tested on the exam. The Bar Wiz firmly believes in a multi-step outline approach in order to expose students to everything possible in a timely manner, allowing students to focus on the basic structure of complex issues

2. Fully personalized Bar Prep Calendar for each workday from the beginning to the end of the studying process. Unlike generic study list, our calendar breaks down specific activities for each day. Our calendar system allows students to stay on task and feel accomplished everyday.

3. Bar Wiz students will receive a private login account to our website which gives them access to the various tools to beat this exam. Students will have access to their own personal account on our revolutionary website, allowing students to have access to everything necessary at remote locations, including:

  • a. Access to study materials.
  • b. Access to essay exams actually used in past bar examinations. The Bar Wiz fundamentally believes in using actual tested material to prepare its students, as opposed to using mock exams that try to parallel the exam.
  • c. The Bar Wiz provides students with real Performance Test (“PT”) in order to prepare them to conquer the exam. The Bar Wiz believes that the PTs are specifically tailored in a manner that can be beaten no matter what topic is tested.
  • d. A daily progress meter for each account
  • e. Access to an open forum message board to communicate and share with each other questions. This forum is live and allows students and our administrative team to respond instantly.
  • f. Bar Wiz students will also have access to podcast of each live lecture administered.

4. Students will have six PT classes, focusing on instructional aspects, examples of correct PT techniques, and simulations of PT exams.

5. Each enrolling student will have two private one-on-one meetings with our administrative team during the bar prep period. Our staff will address and help any weaknesses or issues students face, allowing every student to complete their prep period to his or her full potential.

6. Additionally,  students obtain their private account to various third-party resources dealing with MBE’s and essay exams.